About Andrea...
Lead Dietitian and founder of AFinesNutrition, Andrea has over 10 years experience as a Registered Dietitian (HCPC), following graduation from Kings College London. Andrea has also qualified as a Nutritionist with an Msc Human Nutrigition degree from The University of Glasgow, and a BSc Biology degree at The University of Leeds.
Andrea loves her work as a Dietitian, working in various roles, with both Adults and children, in various locations in the UK including Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust & Buckinghamshire NHS Foundation Trust. Andrea continues to work Part Time as a Community Paediatric Dietitian for the NHS, alongside private practice.
Andrea is also a Mum to three small children and she is aware of the challenges and difficulties many people face, trying to provide a healthy balanced diet for their family & often putting their own health and dietary needs further down the "to-do list" due to the juggle of everyday life. Andrea will listen without judgement, offer practical advice, to help you achieve the goals for a healthier and happier life, that can benefit you & your loved ones.